Tuesday, August 09, 2005

nylonmag.com :: style watch


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Annika,

One of the article groups on my site is recipes ... while searching for details on splenda recipes, I came across this post .

It is widely accepted that a lot of the best articles on the internet is created by individuals who blog ... good quality content without the bias and waffle often found elsewhere.

Judging by your blog title and content I believe you are interested in splenda recipes, and will therefore find our recipes category to be of interest. I am frequently looking for individuals to submit articles on their pet subjects and help me to build the directory to everyone's benefit. As a contributor, you get the recognition of having your article published and seen by thousands of web users. The pride and satisfaction of seeing your article published in a prestige directory is hard to beat.

Few of us are gifted with the ability to write to professional standards of grammatical correctness ... as a result, many bloggers don't bother to have their articles published.

I accept articles written in an informal style that matches your personality and fits in with your article content. I also welcome articles that are uniquely based on your personal knowledge, experiences and opinions. All I ask is that your articles do not contain vulgar language, incite hatred or generally offensive.

There are no costs involved ... please come over and have a look at my blog articles directory for yourself.

Kind Wishes

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Annika,

One of the article groups on my site is recipes ... while searching for details on splenda recipes, I came across this post .

It is widely accepted that a lot of the best articles on the internet is created by individuals who blog ... good quality content without the bias and waffle often found elsewhere.

Judging by your blog title and content I believe you are interested in splenda recipes, and will therefore find our recipes category to be of interest. I am frequently looking for individuals to submit articles on their pet subjects and help me to build the directory to everyone's benefit. As a contributor, you get the recognition of having your article published and seen by thousands of web users. The pride and satisfaction of seeing your article published in a prestige directory is hard to beat.

Few of us are gifted with the ability to write to professional standards of grammatical correctness ... as a result, many bloggers don't bother to have their articles published.

I accept articles written in an informal style that matches your personality and fits in with your article content. I also welcome articles that are uniquely based on your personal knowledge, experiences and opinions. All I ask is that your articles do not contain vulgar language, incite hatred or generally offensive.

There are no costs involved ... please come over and have a look at my blog articles directory for yourself.

Kind Wishes

6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Annika,

One of the categories in my article directory is recipes ... while searching for blogs on blueberry recipes, I came across this post .

All this is absolutely free ... please come over and have a look at my blog articles directory for yourself.

Best Regards

8:00 PM  
Blogger Charles said...

Hi !!! How are you doing? I can not find your email any where!!!

We have new meeting coming come next Sat 12, 7:00PM.
I talk to lot of knitter today about the new knitting group meeting on Aug12. I talk to Laurie from http://www.crazyauntpurl.com she is gonna be here! also Chris from "sko_G knits 'n stuff" Around six people sign up!!

I made a mistaken on meeting day...It is Next Saturday 12th 7;00PM...I know there is S&B meet 12:00AM that day!!! But we are meeting 7:00PM We can eat, talk , eat drink and knit/crochet!!!

I sending emailing to other knitter to come!! IF do you know other knitter, let them know we have meeting!!!!!! Visit my blog more info~~~~Bye

Visit my blog more info about the meeting http://charleslifeknitting.blogspot.com/ map and other!!!!!!

10:05 AM  

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